Soil Science Conference
of Malaysia 2005
(SOILS 2005)

SOILS 2003

Sg. Petani, Kedah
12-13 Apr. 2005

Post-conference tour
14 Apr. 2005


Organised by

Call for papers: Oral presentation

Oral and poster papers concerning land use planning, large-scale crop production, agroforestry, and integration of plantation crops with livestock will be particularly highlighted. Nonetheless, other related fields (soil chemistry, soil physics, environment conservation, land evaluation, soil genesis and classification, soil microbiology, and soil fertility and plant nutrition) are also welcomed.

Author Instructions

  1. Intending authors are requested to submit an extended abstract NOT exceeding 4 pages and a diskette before the deadline directly to the Secretariat.
  2. Abstracts must include title, author(s), introduction, materials and methods, summary of findings, conclusion, and references.
  3. Manuscripts should be prepared on an A4-sized paper; typed single-spacing using Times New Roman font with the size of 11 points; prepared using Microsoft Word (preferred); and pages with 25 mm margins on all four sides.
  4. All illustrations must be prepared on separate pages outside of the main body text. All manuscripts must be camera-ready.

Submission deadline

Extended abstracts

19 Mar. 2005

Full papers

19 Mar. 2005

Suitable papers from the conference will be selected and considered for publication in the Malaysian Journal of Soil Science (MJSS).

updated: Thu, 31-Mar-2005 12:04 PM