SOILS 2003
Conference programme
Poster session
Oral papers
Poster papers
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Soil Science Conference
of Malaysia 2003 (SOILS 2003)

Towards Maximum Land Use and Productivity

SOILS 2003

New Pacific Hotel,
Kota Bharu, Kelantan
15-16 Apr. 2003

Post-conference tour
Kelantan & southern Thailand
17-19 Apr. 2003

Oral presentations

The deadline for paper submission has already passed. Although we will still accept paper submissions, they must be for poster presentations, but the extended abstracts will not be included in the conference proceedings. Consequently, all abstracts submitted after the deadline will have to be photocopied by the presenters and distributed (in loose form) during the conference.

In conjunction with the SOILS 2003 theme, oral and poster papers concerning land use planning, large-scale crop production, and integration of plantation crops with livestock will be particularly highlighted. Nonetheless, other related fields (soil chemistry, soil physics, environment conservation, land evaluation, soil genesis and classification, soil microbiology, and soil fertility and plant nutrition) are also welcomed.

Intending authors are requested to submit an extended abstract not exceeding 4 pages and a diskette before the deadline directly to the Secretariat. Abstracts must include title, author(s), introduction, materials and methods, summary of findings, conclusion, and references. Manuscripts should be prepared on an A4-sized paper; typed single-spacing using Times New Roman font with the size of 11 points; prepared using Microsoft Word (preferred); and pages with 25 mm margins on all four sides. All illustrations must be prepared on separate pages outside of the main body text. All manuscripts must be camera-ready.

Deadline submission:

Extended abstracts and full papers 20 March 2003

Instructions to Authors
(for publication in the MSSS Proceedings)

  1. Presenters of oral and poster papers are requested to submit an Extended Abstract (EA) of their respective papers NOT exceeding 4 pages.

  2. An extended abstract should include title, author(s) names and addresses, and also the main text, which comprises an Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgement and References sections.

  3. The manuscripts should be prepared on A4 size paper (210 x 297 mm), typed single-spacing using, unless stated otherwise, standard 11 points Times New Roman in Microsoft Word (preferred) with 25 mm on all margin sides.

  4. Please submit a hard copy of the EA, together with a diskette, to the Secretariat before the deadline.

  5. The hard copy of the EA should be camera ready, and written according to the format as stated in the 'Guidelines for the Preparation of EA'.

  6. To facilitate publication, please adhere to the Guidelines closely. In particular, please ensure that all illustrations and line drawings (i.e., cited in text as Figures) are grouped together and located in separate page(s) outside the pages for the main body of text.

  7. Don't forget to do page setup when start writing. Locate the page reserved for illustrations and line drawings to either the page preceding the reference, or the last page of your manuscript.

  8. All efforts will be made to ensure that the Proceeding(s) are available at the time of conference. Failure to comply with the format of writing will delay the publication of the Transactions, or may result in the submitted EA to be excluded from the Proceedings.

  9. Suitable papers will be selected for the Malaysian Journal of Soil Science (MJSS).

Manuscript Format (NOT exceeding 4 pages)


Author One 1, Author Two 2. &Using 11 points TNR, Bold, and Centre Alignment
1Address of author 1, 11 points Times New Roman
2Address of author 2, 11 points Times New Roman

ABSTRACT (11 points TNR, Bold, CAPITAL, centre alignment)

Give one clear and short paragraph, not exceeding 150 words, using 11 points Times New Roman, single spacing, and justified alignment. Please don't forget to do page set-up before you start working on your paper using Microsoft Word 97. Set your working page by A4 size (210 x 297 mm) paper and set 1.0" (or 25 mm) margin at top, bottom, left and right sides. Set also 0.5" for footer and header

INTRODUCTION (11 points TNR, Bold, CAPITAL, centre alignment)

Write your Introduction, Materials and Methods and rest of the EA concisely and coherently. Each paragraph using 11 points Times New Roman, single spacing and justified alignment. Leave one line spacing between paragraph.

MATERIALS AND METHODS (11 points TNR, Bold, CAPITAL, centre alignment)

Each paragraph using 11 points Times New Roman, single spacing and justified alignment. Leave one line spacing between paragraphs.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (11 points TNR, Bold, CAPITAL, centre alignment)

Each paragraph using 11 points Times New Roman, single spacing and justified alignment. Leave one line spacing between paragraph.

CONCLUSION (11 points TNR, Bold, CAPITAL, centre alignment)

You may probably need this. Each paragraph using 11 points Times New Roman, single spacing and justified alignment. Leave one line spacing between paragraph.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (11 points TNR, Bold, CAPITAL, centre alignment)

Acknowledge the source of funding such as IRPA 01-02-02-1000. Use 11 points Times New Roman, single spacing and justified alignment.

REFERENCES (11 points TNR, Bold, CAPITAL, centre alignment)

Cite the references by author's name and year, and list the references according to alphabetical, and chronological, order. Use 11 points Times New Roman, single spacing, and 0.5" first line hanging.

Examples how to cite articles in Journals and Books:

Author, J.Y., B.B. Author, C.C. Author. 1999. Title of article. Soil Sci. 55: 121-124.
Author AD, C.D. Author, D.D. Author. 1999. Title of article. In A. Baba, K. Selamat, eds, Title of Book, Ed. 2, Vol. 3, Publisher, City, pp 15-17.

updated: Wed, 02-Apr-2003 2:12 PM